Sunday, November 4, 2007

Tricki Wiki Woo

Does anyone else remember Tricky Woo from All creatures great and small? I can't help it the word Wiki has always made me think of Mrs Pomfrey? Pomfret? and her spoiled fluff ball of a pomeranian pooch, overfed and overindulged to the dismay of Herriot the vet.

Ach well. My blog is listed in the sandbox in all it's boring glory.

Not sure why we were supposed to use [] though. When I bracketed my URL the link broke, so I took 'em out post haste. OTOH that 5 minute editing lock out follwed by the option to 'steal' access is pretty cool. Someone had been editing and then inactive for 17 minutes and my time for this is pretty limited so I took over control and felt awfully guilty about it. Hope the poor person really had left and forgotten to hit 'SAVE' as opposed to being still sitting there trying to complete the task.

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